Netting of goods

Our trained employees ensure that the nets are fastened effectively and securely to guarantee the stability of the cargo during transport and minimise the risk of damage.

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More about netting of goods

Netting is a special service offered by Rasch Aircargo GmbH to ensure the safety and quality of air freight. The cargo sheets containing the freight are wrapped in special nets that enable the freight to be secured effectively and safely.

This increases the stability of the cargo during transport and minimises the risk of damage, and we pay attention to net damage and data validity when netting to protect the cargo from damage, theft or danger.

The nets are fitted and removed professionally, and Rasch Aircargo GmbH is an experienced and reliable partner for netting. If you are looking for a professional and trustworthy solution for your air freight, then Rasch Aircargo GmbH is the right address for you. Contact us today and let us convince you of our offer.

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Ceyhun Öztürk
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Ceyhun Öztürk - Rasch Aircargo GmbH
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